begins April 11th
Two-man teams playing a Net Best Ball format for 19 weeks beginning
Thursday, April 11th and ending Thursday, August 22nd.
New in 2024…
Teams will be reorganized by total team handicap into 2 divisions
Each week, the top 6 teams in both divisions with the lowest net (w/hdcp) scores (stroke-play), against the field, will split $400 worth of golf shop credit and closest to the pin on the par 3’s will each be worth $20 credit. Teams will accumulate points each week by simultaneously competing in a 9-hole match-play and stroke-play format against the team they’re paired with. Within each division, the top 6 teams that accumulate the most points at the end of the season will split $1000 shop credit.
Each player’s current home-course handicap will be used and, as long as both regular players are present, teams will receive 4 points for a match-play win, 4 points for a stroke-play win, and 4 points for the lowest (net) total strokes within each match. Should any of the three competitions end in a draw, the points are split.
SUBSTITUTES…If either or both team member(s) are unable to play, anyone with a current, approved handicap is eligible to substitute. If you know someone unable to play as a regular but would like to sub occasionally, simply contact the golf shop at 564-1313 or follow this link… . No seasonal fee is required to be a sub and a sub-list will be distributed to all regular team member’s. Teams winning with 1 sub will receive 75% of the earned points while teams with 2 subs will receive only 50%. Double points will be awarded on the final week of league as long as both regular team members play, otherwise, regular points will be awarded.
ENTRY FEES…The one-time seasonal entry fee is $50/team and the weekly entry fee is $5/man. Carts are optional and non-pass holders would need to add $15.00 for greens fees.
Weekly results, current standings, and accumulated credits will be e-mailed as well as posted in the clubhouse. By April 1st, all regular team member’s with an e-mail address on file will have received correspondence containing league guidelines, the roster of regular teams, the 2024 round-robin schedule, the weekly & seasonal prizes available, and the sub list. To sign-up for the 2024 league, please call the golf shop at 564-1313 or contact the golf shop directly via e-mail at
Teams that participated last year have until March 3rd to reserve
their spot for 2024. On March 4th, teams from the waiting list will be
added to fill out the roster of 56 teams.